Export of goods from the site for dealers

  • 170
  • 26 July 2023

Big online stores, when working not only with retail customers but also with dealers, get in the need to somehow share products from their website.

Video about unloading module for dealers

There can be many options for “sharing” and one of them is to create an export in xml format, so that the dealer can work with it as he likes. Or upload it to his site, or send it to a marketplace or create his own catalog in a convenient way.

For such a case we have developed a special module that exports goods from the site in xml format.

The peculiarity of this module is that there is an opportunity to create several links that will be used to access the goods and each such upload will have its own settings. That is, for each of the suppliers the site owner gives only certain products by category, brand and individual set of goods not tied to any categories and brands. You can also customize which fields to show for a particular dealer. For example, remove product characteristics, prices, hide products that are out of stock, do not show residuals.

development of opencart feed module for dealers
Module settings – list of configured feeds

Module settings (by what criteria goods can be unloaded):

  • By Category;
  • By brand;
  • Set of items not tied to categories and brands;
  • Show/hide “out of stock” items;
  • Show/hide the price of goods;
  • Choose upload languages;
  • Select whether to unload attributes or not.
development of opencart module for unloading to dealers
General feed settings

feed module for dealers
Unloading of goods by categories and manufacturers

development of feeds module from the site for dealers
Adding/removing individual products

The module is autonomous, you can turn it off from the site administration, if there is such a need. And if you have created several uploads at once and there is such a need to turn off some dealer – you can simply turn off the formation of uploads for him with saving the settings (to turn on at any other time) or completely delete (with saving the work of uploads for other dealers).

For questions about the module or if you are interested in the product – please contact us by mail getbrand.me@gmail.com

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