
Lakinails главная страница портфолио

Lakinails: everything for manicure and nail design

Lakinails: everything for manicure and nail design See project The online store Lakinails was designed to sell accessories for manicures and nail design. The site is made in Russian and Ukrainian, seo-optimized. The site has product catalogs, promotions, special offers, discounts, and a loyalty program for regular customers. Automation of orders, shipments, synchronization with the […]

Parla главная страница портфолио

Online store women’s clothing Parla

Online store women’s clothing Parla See project Parla online store was developed to sell women’s clothing from Ukrainian manufacturers. Since the site works on the method of dropshipping, it provides synchronization of goods from several resources, which have different structure of files-unloads. The site has product catalogs, promotions, special offers, discounts, and a loyalty program […]

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Development of any internet projects depending on business needs


Landing is designed strictly for one product or service. This type of site should focus the user's attention on a certain message and motivate to take the necessary action to the site owner.

We develop master-designed web pages with simple functionality in pure HTML and JavaScript. We reinforce with marketing funnels and the connection of additional services - to track analytics and increase conversions.

Corporate sites

The purpose of a corporate site is to promote business on the Internet, reaching new markets and audiences. Such websites we develop on CMS WordPress, specifically to the request of a particular company and its business processes. We do the basic SEO and the site is fully ready for further work and promotion.

Online stores

A full-fledged store for online commerce. It has all the tools to automate sales, has a personal account for the user, a shopping cart, card payments, collecting marketing information about customers, email distribution, and many other functions, designed specifically for the type of activity and features of sales.

The online store has many products and product groups. We develop online stores primarily on CMS OpenCart. We do SEO optimization and set up analytics.

Website Development

Website development for business. Landings, online stores, corporate websites. Individual solutions for specific tasks and queries.

Website promotion

SEO promotion of the site. The growth of positions and attendance of your site, increasing the recognition of the company with the help of various tools.

Internet marketing

Increase traffic and conversion of the site, increasing sales in a relatively short time. Marketing funnels, chats, quizzes, Google Ads.