Perevir — expert online procurement consulting service on ProZorro

See project

Perevir – an expert service that is engaged in consulting procurement on the ProZorro platform.

The resource is designed as an online platform for the use of public procurement consulting service. Primarily for the organizers of tenders and in the future for suppliers of goods and services.

The main purpose of the service – automation of work with clients of the company, the organization of communication between customers and platform experts.

n the future, the team plans to develop the project, building in the admin part of the analytics and other tools.

Perevir portfolio work GetBrand Studio

What we did on the project

Design of the front and back pages

Ready-made website template was not suitable for the task of making a unique design and develop brand authenticity in the future.


Before the start of development, the logic of the internal part for the site administrator and the client was thought through. Future revisions were taken into account.


Implemented the functionality you need for your work. We have laid the foundation for further development.

What the service can do

The service has two parts for authorized users:

  • For Perevir client;
  • For the manager and administrator.

Functionality for the customer:

Ability to order a service, check the status of the order, see the archived applications, download documents – the results of the company.

Also on the site and in the office there are training videos on how to use the service.

Communication between client and administrator/manager via chat, comments to requests.

Functionality for the manager/administrator:

Management of requests, the formation of analytics on applications.

The site also has basic SEO. Pages are optimized for promotion.

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